utorok 26. mája 2009

Folksonomies PART IV, Problems and possible solutions, Power point presentation

Problems and possible solutions..

Trustworthiness of sources

The main problem according to my point of view, is that folksonomies are created by people, so anyone can tag anything. The problem is that, even you don´t know almost anything about the topic, you can also assing the tag to the concrete object. Unfortunately it happened many times (slangs, shortcuts, specific words, synonymum, dialectal words,…).

My vision of possible solution

I see a solution of this problem in some kind of short test or quiz for users. For example if u are interested in home cinema topic, you will take a quiz on the beginning, around 10 minutes, and after that you will received a result in scale of stars. One you are looser and 10 you are specialist. After this quiz if you put som tag to the object, your stars will count to the final assessment of the tag. I think that can be way how to distinguish uninitiated people from experts and prevent the problems and this solution is simply and don´t take so much time, I hope so.

Synonymity, polysemy and duplicity

Some tags can have a problem with synonymity and polysemity. The big problem is also, that the connections between tags are in only one level organization and they are not specified. That contributing to bigger chaos and browsing take more time.

My vision of possible solution

For organization and better searching we can try to use not leveled taxonomies, The another and better solution in point of view is to use experts, to controll the folksonomies and also we can use engines, which will remove the duplicity from taxonomies.

Music video and licence

It is true, nothing can run without profit of big companies. Youtube maybe have to stop showing the music videos on their page, because the big music companies (Warner Music Group,..) want a fee from this videos. Proportional fee from advertising is not enough for them. There will be a lot of negotiations around this.

My vision of possible solution
If users of youtube has to pay for every music video, the number of users will fall rapidly. Maybe more commercials on the page, will be better than separately fee, I guess.

I think, these was the main big problems from area of folksnomies.


Of course there is some problems about relevant results, but most of the folskonomies system are now only in beta versions. How I said on the beginning, this project supposed to be only introduction to the Folksonomies. This will be used like one class topic in my homeuniversity for exchange students. Project including also a powerpoint presentation. The main idea was give clue, and important informations from that area, and it is up to students to search for more informations (included links, ...), and make opinion.

Folksonomies PART III, Examples

Exampes we can divide to 2 main groups according their principles. The first one is group of „Systems to creating collective bookmarks“ which including the delicious and citeulike and the second group „Systems to organization and tracking a sources on the internet“.

Systems to creating collective bookmarks

Here is much more applications, but I will mention only two, because on my point of view they are representing possibility for most of users (uninitiated :) users (delicious) and also professionals :) (citeulike).

Accessible here.

Delicious is most popular and most using system for creating bookmarks. The main point of this system is to save, organization and common using favoured items exported from internet client. Users of del.icio.us indexing together sources and they are also tagging them. There is a possibility of connection between users blog and the del.icio.us. Very interesting is bookmark “inbox”, which presenting a tool to obtain a new bookmarks from different users and different categories. This page have a good perspective to compete with Google and others, because results here depend on people opinions and judgments, not on opinions of machines. We can see a big popularity of this service. For example Firefox have a special bookmark Add-ons for delicious.

And by the way, here is one very usefull blog about delicious - http://blog.delicious.com/blog/.

Accessible here.

„2,526,079 articles - 2,198 added today“ it´s speaking for everything.

This site is mainly designated for scientist. In the results from this page users receive a post to full version of article or to the abstract of article and links to related categories, but also to other user, which are interested in the same area and their bookmarks. Users can choose of course RSS delivering and service supporting also pdf format .

Systems to organization and tracking a sources on the internet

Here is also much more applications, but I guest, that I choose all well know.

Accessible here.

I guess everyone know this page, but how many users knows about possibility of channels, community, forums, sharing with twitter … Here is definitely more possibilities than normal users even imaging. It is up to us search for new possibilities on this page, because lot of are very useful. We can see here also connection with Google (on the first page, commercial on Google Chrome,…) . This webpage was puted on the list "The ten biggest failures of the last decade" in 24/7 Wall St. magazine and take the 5th place!! We can see a lot of problems with making the profit, and also a lot of penalties from recording companies for the showing a video-clips. In the other hand provider of YouTube, Google trying to make a deals with movie industry about possibility of showing the full-length movies on the YouTube pages. If the main goal of this kind of service going to be a profit, I think it will pretty crapy and here is also still possibility of migration of users of YouTube to another similar services, which are for free. Future wil show us a result of this service One usefull blog about this phenomenom : All about YouTube.

Accessible here.

Technorati allowed make descriptions, common using and to tag a blogs. At june 2008 thids service was indexing a 112.8 million blogs. The main condition is to create your own account and registration. The very useful is possibility of “watchlist”, what means to create your own list, where will be a continuously and actually showed all posts which you like. This page is good choice if you would like to know about events in all around the world, and you would like to be first. I gues, that this is something similar to the twitter, but here is no limits to express what u have on your mind, but continuously is worst here. Anyway still good tool.

Accessible here.

This is a tool for searching of pictures in database, which includes amateur and also professional photographers. The main criteria for searching on flappr is popularity. Users can choose also others criteria like actuality, tags, other users recommendation… This tool consist a lot of awesome pictures, it is almost unbelievable how many beautiful pictures are here. If users click on one of the pictures, than under the picture will show up a details about author of this pictures, and user can follow this author in other categories. If you are interested in pictures and photos this is heaven on earth for you. I think that this service have a very prespective future, because a lot of companies can find here a lot of nice and also professional photos, which can be usefull for their commercials and also is possibility for the photographers to become a shining stars.

Accessible here.

Users taging and saving the sources to colections. What is different from others is a possibility to see in results not only results from wink, but also from Google. Now we can compare the results from stuff like google and results from folksonomies. Are they very different from each other? I would say, it depends from case to case. But mostly in my cases I found more useful informations in resulst which were based on folksonomies. I think the combination of folksonomies results and also resulst from web searching engines is like middle (gold) choice for users, which still are not very trustful to searching on folksonomies. Also one good possibility is a „wink answers“. This will show to user whole definition of a key word, but also a list of related term (of course with their definitions) to this word.

Accessible here.

This application is very special in good meaning. Gravee searching for not only web pages, but also on blogs. The main criteria in tagging is that people but also a machines tagging here. Users dividing the sources to two main categories- relevant and irrelevant. I think that this application is something similar to the technorati. The main difference is that users here can be everyone, not only scientist.

Folksonomies PART II, The main division and Tag, Tag clouds

The main division of folksonomies according to T. V. Wal

Narrow Folksonomy

The main point of narrow folksonomies is, that author create an object and make this object accessible to other users. At the same time author indexing a content by one keyword, which is the most suitable for his object. According to representation of one tag for concrete content we are able here to determine the „power“ of tag. For example, web page facebook.com will assign to tag „social network“ 200 people, „friend searcher“ 50 people and „comunicator“ assign 20 people, than in this case will be „social network“ the most strong tag, in tag clouds.

Broad Folksonomy

The main idea here is, author create an object and make this object accessible to other users. Others taging this object by own keywords and they are using the keywords to search this object at the same time. In comparison with narrow folksonomy, here not so many people assign the same tag to object, so it´s very complicated to determine the „strong“ tags.

Tag, Tag clouds

TAG- term which determine the category, that users assigning to the concrete sources. The main idea of tag clouds, is connect folksonomies for more users in concrete community. Representation of tags- the most occurrence tags are accentuated and the most popular tag cloud is del.ico.us.

Very good and practical visual explanation you can find here.