utorok 31. marca 2009

Week progress II.

I was traveling in last days (Edinburgh), so I´m little bit late about updating my blog.. sorry.


I was searching for some e-dokuments which according to my project. It was not so easy to find a relevant articles about „Folksonomies“ . Now I´m doing some summary from this e-dokuments and articles, which I found on internet.I was talking (skype) with one of my teachers from my home university about subject of my project. She gave me some advices and also recommend me some books, so tomorrow I´m going back to library.


I decide to choose a book which is available on-line, because I want to compare how it is feeling to read e-book instead of reading a classical paper book. Of course I was reading a lot of long articles on-line but, this will be my first time when I will read a whole book, not just few pages of articles. Unfortunately I´m hesitating type, so I I don’t choose already a concrete book, but in next few days, I will make a final decision.

President election in Slovakia and Social networks

What is new?? Good question :))

President candidates enlightened from previous hacker attacks on their web pages, and made a very good security precautions. First round was more about new social media (facebook, forums) but, the second round is more about real personal meetings. I can understand, they trying to acquire votes from the people, which were voting anothers candidates, which failed on the first round. The candidates still have a 3 days, so we will se how they spend this time for acquire a new voters.

Have a nice week everyone :)

nedeľa 22. marca 2009

Week progress

President election in Slovakia and Social networks

This Saturday we had a president election, but previous fight on the field of internet was interesting. Or new generation of people need new point of view?? What was different??

1. Hacker attacks on the web page of one candidates

We noticed that at least one web page was changed by hackers. This candidate (namely I. Gasparovic) reputation damaged. It takes only one day the fix the webpage, but damages was big.

2. Social media in action
One candidate (Iveta Radicova) concentrated on the same way like Obama, social media (specially Facebook) and the internet discussion (forum). On facebook was posted a lot of videos from campaign and there was also a big discussion around elections. Of course i can not missed :). Unfortunately for candidate posted video was stupid, so comments were bad. It was like avalanche effect, if one start critiqued that after him it was always about critique. But the first step to social media was at least a big courageous step for history of election and social media in Slovakia.

In first round of the election we don´t have a winner, so it will be a next (final) round. I will monitor whole situation around and of course I will posting a comment on my blog.

Books and reading
I still don´t make a final decision which book i will read and comment, but I working on it. I read a wikipedia article about coffeehouse discussion.

I visited a library this week and found new material, which can be useful for my project and I also made a first outline of power point presentation.

Have a nice week everybody :)

pondelok 9. marca 2009

What to hell is "Twitter" ??


such a magical word :)

Before few weeks i don´t had any idea what the hell it is...

But, it was be a shame don´t try it :)

Now i think that is good tool if you want to say something what just happend. U can use your cell,RSS,user friendly enviromnet and possibility to find the people through your mail is good. I think that find the people from social network can be (in future) also good.

The main idea is tracking people. Very very good idea, simply rules, that´s what i like :))

I´ll recommend to every one to try the Twitter :)

nedeľa 8. marca 2009

Jürgen Habermas: Bourgeois Public Sphere

Pieter Boeder, Habermas Heritage: the future of the public sphere in the network society -->, First Monday, volume 10, number 9 ( September 2005)

Idon´t find the article, but i read Jürgen Habermas: Bourgeois Public Sphere article in wikipedia.
From wikipedia information, he is one of the basic scientist in the field of public sphere (The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere – An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society), but also one which is not easy reading. But every one can try :))

I think that he made a great work in historical-sociological aspect of the public sphere. Also the part of critical journalism was great, because this kind of journalism can be the main power of public spheres. Lot of traditional media maybe missing just the critical journalism. The last part about manipulation in media was good :)

Social skills

comments to the article :Phil Agre, The Practical Republic: Social Skills and the Progress of Citizenship

In this article I was interested in third element of social capital which is often left out, namely social skills. This skills should not be taken for granted and we have to think about if anyone have the same chance to learn this skills.

Good idea : “But social reform activities based on building social capital may not succeed, or may even reinforce existing social inequalities, unless explicit attention is paid to building the necessary social skills among those segments of the population that lack them.”

I like also the part about viewing individual citizens as participants in debates on a collective level and the part when autor polemizeing if the USA are republic, because some people thought that the United States is a republic because it is not a democracy.

I´m not very interested in the Republicanism and and stuff like this, so this was not very interesting article for me.

Is the Internet a wonderful development for democracy?

comments to : Cass R. Sunstein, "The Daily We: Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?." Boston Review, October 20, 2003

Is the Internet a wonderful development for democracy?

In many ways we can say yes, but there are lot of threats.
One of them is tendency of consumers to "filter" what they see.
In the article is a lot of good examples like Broadcast.com, Sonicnet.com about music and fashion.. but example like Zatso.net is the most important one. I think that, is not so good innovation to filter of the news from ordinary live. For example I prefer one TV News in my home, but I´m still watching the TV News in other TV station, and this give me a much bigger view on social and public live. We can´t choose only infromation from one political party, because any political party is for 100 % good and another for 100% bad.

In my opinion is good to filtrate in entertainment (music, TV shows..), but we cannot loose our touch with public live and filtering only information in which we are interested, because live around us changing us like one peace. Also information in which we are not interested changing our ordinary live.
We have to keep our heterogeneity in view on the life !!!
Some one can say, this was here before, you could choose which newspaper u can read. I agree, but how author saying and he is right : The difference is that a dramatic increase in individual control over content, and a corresponding decrease in the power of general interest intermediaries, including newspapers, magazines, and broadcasters .

Common people, we are creating our new censorship!!

Example from life : „Your eyes may come across a story about Germany, or crime in Los Angeles, or innovative business practices in Tokyo, and you may read those stories although you would hardly have placed them in your "Daily Me."
There was also good examples from "censoring" in our normal lives and our „second lives“ 

Two good ideas from article :
„A fragmented communications market will change things significantly. “ Good example white people in US and for African Americans and the ten most highly rated programs of this people.
„It is exceedingly rare for a site with an identifiable point of view to provide links to sites with opposing views; but it is very common for such a site to provide links to like-minded sites. “
Another good question from article is : Why does group polarization occur?
I prefer more the first explanation. :)

In the end i would like to say again something filtering. It is about our choice, if we still would like to hear view from the other side. I hope so that we still want hear!!

It´s up to us to make a good decision and don´t use the filter for information about life around us!

Btw : very good article 

Is society turning inward?

Here is some commnets on great interview..

Video of Albert-László Barabási + James Fowler (11 minutes)

Here is some commnets on great interview ..
I was interested in two parts of this interview.

1.Part- Mobilizing of young people during the elections in USA, Obama campaign

There was revolutionary idea, about donating a 1 dollar for Obama campaign, because it was not about money, but abou create a new them for discussion. A lot of people was proud for donating, and says that they donate. This was maybe a first step to start bigger discussion about elections.

2.Change of younger generation

No one want to be a cosmonaut, but everyone want to know everything about facebook, google..

And the answer for title question??

I don´t know exactly, but one example…

Sometimes is about only chasing for new friends, but the meaning of word “friend” in few years ago was absolutely different. Now people met some one new in store and he/she and automatically added him/her like a friend in socialnetwork.. and they are sharing lot of details from personal live.. It´s absolutely crazy! Maybe some division of friends will be good for social networks.

So are you sure that your friends on the social network are your real friends ??

George Siemens, "A Brief History of Networked Learning,"... some commnets

Network learning

Long long long article.. 
I know that network learning exist, because I´m using it in everyday life in my home university. :)
In the other side, there was some good parts in this article..

(b) merging with fields which have an existing research base;

Good part about unifying of sociology and the technical part. My field of study „Mediamatics“ is a living example :).I think that is the key, how to understand the new possibilities of new media, we can´t forget think about our human part of live. Hardware is only the tool, but main subjects are people, which using the tools(technologies).

d) practicality and popularization of social network

One fact to remember :) : Statistics vary on the level of adoption of social networking sites, but some suggest over 80% penetration (Salaway & Borreson Caruso, 2007, p.12) among students in academic settingsservices;

(e) as a model for detailing the process of education and learning.

Is very good that, sciencist making a new researchs, because this kind of science are very dynamic, and we can´t missed our train in this area.

Educators seeking to understand how learners interact with each other through online forums, email, or blog networks, can rely on the principles of network analysis developedby sociologists.

I´m sure that is very difficult for educators in many ways.. We have to co-operate together (students and educators). This is the only one possibility.

Networks: Technology, Forbes Magazine, Essay YouToo

There is a lot of good Essays, but the most interested one for me was this essay :

Special Report
Chad Hurley

He is absolutely right, that we are living the age, when can be everyone creator of new content. Writer (blog), amateur video maker (youtube), photographer (fLAppr), age of unlimited possibilities, but in my opinion also age of great responsibility. We can´t forget.

I think that is also good Question, with big Q.

Is there a dividing line between old media and new media??
I´m not sure, but we have to think about how this change of media affect us.

I still thinking, if there is a possibility of symbiotic relationship between the traditional media and the new media. Lot of people prefer mostly one of them, not both together. I mean group of students, where i also belong. But if we use both together we will have a biger (panoramically) view on social and public live .

I also agree with his idea about that, YouTube is helping the big media companies expand their audience and stay relevant in a marketplace that is changing quickly.
Flexibility of this new media (Youtube) is what i appreciate. This is alson a great chance how to become a professional content creator, eg. Luke Barats and Joe Bereta, a.k.a. BaratsAndBereta

Once again, great essay, well done :)

"The Strength of Weak Ties, A Network Theory Revisited,"

Mark Granovetter, "The Strength of Weak Ties, A Network Theory Revisited," Sociological Theory, Volume 1(1983), 201-233

I try the open this link a lot of times, but seems that link is not available anymore.. :(

Why the network society now?

My first blogspott, so don´t laugh on it J

Comment on the article :

Manuel Castells,“Why Networks Matter”, Network Logic: Who Governs in an Interconnected World?,, Helen McCarthy, Paul Miller, Paul Skidmore, eds, London: Demos, 2004, pp 221-224;

... ideas, perceptions, thought´s..

Why the network society now?

I don´t agree with author about why network society is so popular now. The development of microelectronics and software-based communication Technologies is maybe one of the reasons, but in my opinion the main reason is that, people feel more lonely in last decade, don´ t trust so much to each other and social network is one possibility to show only my good quality and is much easier live you virtual live than you real live.

First, the network society expands on a global scale. That´ s true, no doubt. Network don´t know any boundaries, and that is one big plus for them. They are one tool of the globalization in good meaning of the word.

Third, the networking of political institutions is the de facto response to the management crisis suffered by nation states in a supranational world.

I think that, the call for global governance has not to been answered, because from my working experiences for big company (more than 10 000 employee) I can say only one: The biggest company means more and more mess (chaos and disorganization) in that company. Maybe only my experiences J

I absolutely agree with the fifth point.. sociability is transformed in the new historical context, with

networked individualism emerging as the synthesis between the affirmation of an individual-centred culture, and the need and desire for sharing and co-experiencing.

About sixth point, I think that the networks has a one great ability- global range. No other media like TV, Radio, Newspaper don´t have real global range, because they are mostly local (city, country, region..) and this is their main power how to say everyone on the planet, what people think in the other part of the world.

Finally i think that was a good article, i appreciate that autor divide this text to the points and also used the Open Access on the internet.