nedeľa 22. marca 2009

Week progress

President election in Slovakia and Social networks

This Saturday we had a president election, but previous fight on the field of internet was interesting. Or new generation of people need new point of view?? What was different??

1. Hacker attacks on the web page of one candidates

We noticed that at least one web page was changed by hackers. This candidate (namely I. Gasparovic) reputation damaged. It takes only one day the fix the webpage, but damages was big.

2. Social media in action
One candidate (Iveta Radicova) concentrated on the same way like Obama, social media (specially Facebook) and the internet discussion (forum). On facebook was posted a lot of videos from campaign and there was also a big discussion around elections. Of course i can not missed :). Unfortunately for candidate posted video was stupid, so comments were bad. It was like avalanche effect, if one start critiqued that after him it was always about critique. But the first step to social media was at least a big courageous step for history of election and social media in Slovakia.

In first round of the election we don´t have a winner, so it will be a next (final) round. I will monitor whole situation around and of course I will posting a comment on my blog.

Books and reading
I still don´t make a final decision which book i will read and comment, but I working on it. I read a wikipedia article about coffeehouse discussion.

I visited a library this week and found new material, which can be useful for my project and I also made a first outline of power point presentation.

Have a nice week everybody :)

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