nedeľa 8. marca 2009

Networks: Technology, Forbes Magazine, Essay YouToo

There is a lot of good Essays, but the most interested one for me was this essay :

Special Report
Chad Hurley

He is absolutely right, that we are living the age, when can be everyone creator of new content. Writer (blog), amateur video maker (youtube), photographer (fLAppr), age of unlimited possibilities, but in my opinion also age of great responsibility. We can´t forget.

I think that is also good Question, with big Q.

Is there a dividing line between old media and new media??
I´m not sure, but we have to think about how this change of media affect us.

I still thinking, if there is a possibility of symbiotic relationship between the traditional media and the new media. Lot of people prefer mostly one of them, not both together. I mean group of students, where i also belong. But if we use both together we will have a biger (panoramically) view on social and public live .

I also agree with his idea about that, YouTube is helping the big media companies expand their audience and stay relevant in a marketplace that is changing quickly.
Flexibility of this new media (Youtube) is what i appreciate. This is alson a great chance how to become a professional content creator, eg. Luke Barats and Joe Bereta, a.k.a. BaratsAndBereta

Once again, great essay, well done :)

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