streda 29. apríla 2009

Week progress

This week was pretty hard. A lot of study, reading, exams.. :(


I finished my Powerpoint presentation. I guess it is very simple presentation, because main fact´s will be in final work.


My book was my company during, the last week traveling to Tallinn. Yope 9 hours in bus,per day, means good time to read a book :) I´m almost on the end of the book. Truelly, the book is very interesting. The special way, like author describing the contradictions in our "cyberculture" will take your breath away!

And this week we had also great excursion to the IT-museum. Thanx again Anna!

Everybody enjoy the long weekend :)

pondelok 20. apríla 2009


Blogs about my project topic was interested, because found a new acumens in some blogs. Last Thursday, I made a call with my teacher from home university and I received some new interested things, which I don´t know before. I´m very grateful, and I appreciate her endeavour to help me. Now I´m working on the final version of power point presentation. I would like to finish it to this Thursday.


I read more than 1/3 of the book, because this book is more than interesting that I expected, or I became an addict?? There is every time like two different angles view on the cyberculture, and I like especially conception of this book. It´s like from A to Z conception, but the words are cool, definitely reader will not expect this kind of words. I decide, that I will make a comments on the most interesting ideas from the book (there is many) from my notes. This book will be my company during waiting in the airport, and also on plane for this week trip to Riga and Tallin :)

Nice week everybody :)

utorok 14. apríla 2009

Week progress..

Artlessly last week will be more about celebrating of Easter for me, so progress in work was a little bit smaller..

I was thinking how to combine a powerpoint presentation and also summary document about my topic and I made a decision about that. The main items will be in power point, and the document can be used as a support for someone who will presented a powerpoint presentation. This Thursday I will call teacher from home university, and after that, a will make a final summary, and start working on final version of project.

I quit an idea about reading a e-book, because I didn´t found a e-version of book which I choosed. I guess, that I was looking everywhere, but I failed :( .Because of that I visit a library today and I borrow some books. I was deciding between lot of books, but finally I borrow this three :

- Media Power, a Social Introduction by Ciaran McCullagh

- White Noise, An A-Z of the contradictions in cyberculture by Andrew Calcutt

and the last one is

- The Information Society, a skeptical view by Christopher May.
It was difficult to choose one, because all of them looks interested. Finally I made a decision to read all of them. I wil make a comment on my blog for only one- White Noise, An A-Z of the contradictions in cyberculture by Andrew Calcutt because, that book will be first one in the queue. I´m looking forward on this book, because chapters looks very interesting. :)

Have a great week everyone!

PS: Classmates don´t forget that we have a lesson tomorrow! c.u. there :)

utorok 7. apríla 2009

Week progress

My week progress have a 3 parts, like usual :)

I finished my summary from e-documents and articles, which I found on internet. Now I´m searching on blogs for some new view angles on this things and also I´m interested in people opinions. I made a deal abou the next (skype) call with my teacher from home university, which says to me, that she discovered some new interested things about my topic. I´m glad because because of that.. she is really busy, and she a find the time, to consult with me.. I will have to buy a big chocolate for her or something :)


I had some problems about searching for the e-version of book, which I choosed, but I´dont give it up..

President election in Slovakia and Social networks

Folks we have a winner! doc. JUDr. Ivan Gašparovič, CSc. will be our president for next 5 years. But a lot of things happend before... Some print media was accused, that they support only one candidate (Iveta Radicova), unfortunately from my point of view accusations, were right. A lot of people, think that it was, only on slide of journalist ethic, but I think, that they crossed the line.. Some people also say, that "who reading a newspapers in this digital age??", but I think newspapers are still one of the main sources of information for people. In the other hand, we can see a big increased of discussions on the forums and activities of candidates on for example on facebook.

Final summary- new age- new media, internet- free indipendet mediu, the best choice for people.

Have a nice day!